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Smoke Stop Support


Have you been trying to stop smoking, but are having a hard time quitting?

Quitting smoking is hard, and most people need some kind of help to stop.


You know that quitting smoking will definitely improve your overall health and longevity, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. Acupuncture treatment can reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms of nicotine, and help relieve anxiety you feel when you stop smoking.

Smoking tobacco causes several million unnecessary deaths every year, and is associated with multiple chronic diseases, including lung disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lung cancer and other types of cancer. But deaths related to smoking are just the tip of the iceberg. According to the cdc over 16 million Americans are currently living with a chronic disease caused, at least in part, by smoking. 

A controlled trial study(1) compared patients who received acupuncture, patients who received acupuncture and counseling, and patients who didn't receive acupuncture, to help them quit smoking over a period of four weeks. The percentage rate of patients who had quit smoking after an 18-month follow up was highest among those who received acupuncture, and especially highest among those who had acupuncture and counseling.

A study of almost 3000 people(2) who received acupuncture treatment for smoking over an eight week period showed that the treatment helped many people abstain from cigarettes, and helped many more to cut back on how many cigarettes they smoked.


The decision to quit smoking for good can be a life-changing one. But for most people, it’s also one of the most difficult things they will ever do. Cigarettes are addictive, and to stop smoking, you may need professional help. If you’ve already tried NRT and not been able to finally quit, you may want to consider trying our approach. 

(1) Auricular Acupuncture, Education, and Smoking Cessation, Bier et al..., Evid Based Compliment Alternative Med. 2016:2865831

(2) Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation in Hong Kong: A Prospective Multicenter Observational Study, Wang et al...



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